UGA Fact Book
This publicly available information is primarily sourced from the UGA Fact Book and
other aggregate level information. If you are a UGA Faculty or Staff member, you can
get more detailed information at FACTS . If you are not a UGA Faculty or Staff member, or if you need more information, submit a Data Request .
PDF of current year (prior years also available)
Interactive report including multiple years of information
General Information
The Mission of The University of Georgia
The University of Georgia Strategic Plan
University System of Georgia Administrative Staff
Senior Administrative Officers
Deans of Colleges and Schools
The University of Georgia Administrative Organization
The University of Georgia Foundation Trustees
Freshmen Applications by Admission Status
Mean Scholastic Aptitude Test (New SAT) Scores for Entering Freshmen
Mean Scholastic Aptitude Test (Old SAT) Scores for Entering Freshmen
Georgia High Schools of Entering Freshmen
Georgia Colleges and Universities from Which Undergraduate Students Transferred to
The University of Georgia
Graduate School Admissions and Average Entrance Test Scores of Accepted Degree-Seeking
Graduate Students
Characteristics of Enrolled Students by Class
Enrollment by College and School, Athens and Extended Campuses
Enrollment by College and School, Extended Campuses
Enrolled Non-US Citizens by Country of Origin and UGA Student Level
Enrollment by State of Origin and UGA Student Level
Distribution of Total Enrollment by State of Origin
Enrolled Georgia Residents by County of Residence and UGA Student Level
Distribution of Enrolled Georgia Residents by County
Retention Rates for First-Time Full-Time Undergraduates
University Enrollment 1830 - 1982
Degrees Conferred
Degrees Conferred by School or College and Degree Level
Degrees Conferred by Degree Level
Summary of Degrees Conferred by Program Classification
Degree Programs and Majors
Completion Rates for First-Time Full-Time Undergraduates
Average Completion Rates for First-Time Full-Time Undergraduates
Academic Information
Total University Student Credit Hours
Distribution of Grades by Class
Honors Program Enrollment and Sections / Honors Program Awards
Graduate Assistantships / Graduate Fellowships and Assistantships Awarded Through
the Graduate School
National Academic Awards Awarded to UGA Students
Participation in Education Abroad at the University of Georgia
Participation in Education Abroad by School or College/Top Countries of Study
Estimated Cost of Attendance
Annual Cost of Attendance for Resident Undergraduates, UGA and Selected Peers
University of Georgia Libraries: National Rankings / Library Visitors by Location
Student Related Information
Student Financial Aid Programs
Student Residences Summary
Social Sororities and Fraternities
Participation in Social Sororities and Fraternities
Honorary Fraternities and Sororities
UGA Career Center: Career Plans
UGA Alumni Association Executive Committee / Number of Living Alumni by Class Year
of Most Recent Degree
University of Georgia Alumni by State of Residence
Distribution of Alumni by State
University of Georgia Alumni by Georgia County of Residence
Distribution of Resident Georgia Alumni by County of Residence
University of Georgia Athletic Association / National Collegiate Athletic Association
Postgraduate Scholarships
Intercollegiate Athletes at The University of Georgia
Faculty and Staff
Full-Time Faculty and Allied Professional Staff by Rank and Function
Tenure Status of Full-Time Professorial Faculty by Rank and Gender
Full-Time Professorial Faculty by Rank and Ethnicity
Full-Time Professorial Faculty by Age Range and Rank
Full-Time Professorial Graduate Faculty Membership by Rank
Highest Earned Degrees of Full-Time Professorial Faculty by Rank
Average Academic Year Salaries of Instructional Faculty, UGA and Selected Peers
University Employees by Occupational Classification
University Employees by Occupational Classification and Ethnicity
University Employees by Occupational Classification and Gender
Financial Information
Total Sponsored Awards by Project Type
Total Research Awards by Sponsor Type
Total Sponsored Awards by Agency
Total Sponsored Awards by Major Unit
Sources of All Public Service and Outreach Funds
Physical Facilities
University Buildings by Major Use, Athens Campus
Number of Rooms by Basic Room Type, Athens Campus
Space Assignment by Room Use and Building Location
Space Assignment by Program Classification and Building Location
Building Summary by Year of Completion: Athens Campus
Academic and Administrative Buildings, Date of Initial Occupancy, Athens Campus
Major Building Projects by Date of Completion
Major Building Projects Currently Under Construction
Authorized Projects in Design Phase
University of Georgia Land Holdings
Campus Map and Legend